Thursday, July 28, 2016

Rigged Game

I find it interesting that most of those posting the snarkiest comments and memes about Bernie Sanders getting cheated are not his disappointed supporters (whose posts are generally more measured), but those who would never have voted for him and regularly rage against whatever definition of socialism fits their particular point of pique at the moment. Trumpeters made the same charges earlier in the year, only the RNC was less successful in derailing his train.
I’m not defending rigging the game, mostly because it subverts democracy. But neither should anyone be shocked. The reason that the DNC sabotaged Sanders was because, wait for it, HE WAS NOT A DEMOCRAT. Why would we think a national party, which is not a neutral arbitrator or referee, would support someone who did not belong to the party? Sanders ran for the Democratic nomination not because he was a loyal Democrat, but because he knew that running as an independent would get him neither the platform nor publicity for his ideas. He’d have remained that quirky senator from Vermont.
Donald Trump’s candidacy followed a similar arc. The RNC opposed him because he was not viewed as a Republican, loyal or otherwise. The so-called loyalty pledge was aimed squarely at him. And really, did anyone believe he would have stuck to that pledge? Later down the campaign trail he pretty much guaranteed he would not. My guess is (and because this is America, there is no need for proof) there are similarly incriminating emails out there from Republican poohbahs. 
What I find most disconcerting, besides the easy accessibility and lack of security surrounding emails, is that so many people naively assume that what they write in an email will remain confidential. 


  1. An interesting irony is that many Bernie "supporters,"as they rail against the DNC for its treatment of him, have shown him less loyalty than he has for the party he never was a member of. They loudly booed his endorsement and any of his attempts to talk sense to them. Many of them admit proudly that their real agenda is to undermine the party and, in fact, blow up the two-party system. I actually sympathize (but not to the point of agreement) but find ironic to the point of absurdity that they expect/demand fair treatment from the organization they,in effect, infiltrated to destroy it from within. It kind of reminds me of when I almost went to Chicago in 1968 for similar purposes. It would be interesting to follow up with a number of them in a few decades. Of course I don’t expect to be around or at least, have the strength to do so, myself.

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  4. An interesting irony is that many Bernie "supporters,"as they rail against the DNC for its treatment of him, have shown him less loyalty than he has for the party he never was a member of. They loudly booed his endorsement and any of his attempts to talk sense to them. Many of them admit proudly that their real agenda is to undermine the party and, in fact, blow up the two-party system. I actually sympathize (but not to the point of agreement) but find ironic to the point of absurdity that they expect/demand fair treatment from the organization they,in effect, infiltrated to destroy it from within. It kind of reminds me of when I almost went to Chicago in 1968 for similar purposes. It would be interesting to follow up with a number of them in a few decades. Of course I don’t expect to be around or at least, have the strength to do so, myself.
