Saturday, October 8, 2016

It's Time to Decide

What do you do when faced with a decision and you feel like there are no good choices, only some less than others.
It is a conundrum, and this year, more so than any in recent memory, is an even greater challenge. I have put off the decision for as long as possible, hoping a more palatable choice would emerge.
But decide I have. And I’m ready to announce my decision. I am also resisting peer pressure as I reveal my choice.
Some of you will perhaps cheer, others jeer. Some will even hate and deride my choice, perhaps post nasty or insulting memes of ridicule.
I’ve given this a fair amount of thought, although, I confess, I haven’t listened to the media comment or even watched any of the confrontations so far. I only ask that even if my choice isn’t yours, you’ll try to treat me with the same respect with which I will treat you, even if you are a Cubs fan.
Go Nationals!
What, you thought I was talking something as trivial as politics?

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