Friday, January 27, 2017

Adventures in Health Care, Part I (Personal)

I’ve been exploring the health care system these past few months, not really voluntarily. This will be a multi-part series, probably every other or third day (and feel free to skip any and all segments; well, of course you will because this is a personal blog, not homework) and seems appropriate given the seemingly inevitable demise of the ACA (Obamacare) and implied threats to Medicare. Lucky for me, I
• married a nurse; if you don’t have one in your family, you might think about adopting, or marrying, or renting, or sponsoring a nursing student, or something….
• have invested in a “concierge” doctor who limits his practice to a manageable number of patients (about 600 or so)
• have practiced preventive maintenance re: health
• am generally healthy and independent
• am covered by the American version of (limited) socialized medicine (Medicare) plus a supplement
• can afford to pay for whatever isn’t covered

So bear in mind that your results may vary....

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