Friday, March 22, 2013

The Cool Factor -- or Lack Thereof....

So we're waiting for the doors to open at the Fox to see War Horse (a theatrical technology tour de force*), and I'm toying with my iPod when a boy about 8-10 comes over to me and says, "I was wondering why someone like you isn't using an iPhone." 

My first thought was to be complimented, thinking, "Yeah, I still have at least a modicum of cool factor."

Upon further review, maybe he was saying that I'm obviously too old to have a really cool phone and am relegated to the no longer cool iPhone.

He and I compared iPods and went our separate ways, leaving me with yet another unanswerable life question. Thanks a lot, kid.

*The puppetry in War Horse was amazing, but I kind of agree with Carolyn's assessment of the music: "The songs were there so they could call it a musical." Glad we saw it, would recommend it for what it is, but that's about it.


  1. I saw the movie in the theater when it came out and thought it was a waste of my time. I'm not quite sure if that was because of the plot or my over consumption of liquor at dinner before going to see it. Regardless (or "irregardless" if you are the superintendent of HPSD) I thought the story to be drab and without an ounce of believability.

  2. War horse = puppets without Elton John soundtrack to save it. A kid in a foxhole with dying friends, trying to find a horse he uses to define love cause his father was so mean? Certaintly not my favorite.
