Sunday, June 9, 2013

This Could Be The Start of Something....

   Well, not big necessarily (with all due respect to Steve Allen, who wrote the song). But something, maybe.

   I've been publishing my blog for almost six years (9/1/2007). Now that I'm in semi-permanent retirement, I'm looking forward to reading (and not just YA fiction) and writing more. I have neither stories nor characters clamoring to get out of my brain (apparently it's too frenetic and crowded in there with past personalities vying for attention), so fiction seems unlikely.

   I've always been more of a non-fiction writer, anyway. My writing heroes were some of the old-time columnists, Mike Royko, Russell Baker, Art Buchwald, even Charles Osgood (and since he's not dead, I still would sort of like to be him when I grow up).

   There's a "Blog-Lovin" link on the website: bobberndt/ for those who would like to "follow" me or be notified when I post a new article. (There's going to be a real one later today.) If I find a better way to publish, I'll add it. I'll continue to use Facebook (appropriate for random thoughts since Facebook's notification algorithm seems purely random to me) and Twitter (I think -- in theory I'm on there, but I can't imagine limiting myself to 140 characters!).

   Topics will be personal, political, social, and anything else that hangs around my brain long enough for me to remember it. It will take a little while for my thoughts on education to play themselves out to the point where that becomes just another random area of commentary.

   While it would be kind of cool, I have no goal of monetizing the blog; I'm not that ambitious at this point, nor do I want the pressure of a deadline, so you have no real worry about being subjected to ads.

I'm hoping to do 2-3 articles a week and see how that develops. As a teacher I tried to entertain myself and hoped my students would find it beneficial, interesting or entertaining to come along for the ride. I see this blog as something like that.

Thanks for reading.

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