Wednesday, April 16, 2014

After a Day in Kindergarten

I call them “therapeutic beverages” for a reason.
One of the reasons I decided to spend some time teaching middle school was the hope that some of the karma attached to those noble warriors would rub off on me. I’m convinced that teachers who spend their careers in middle school go straight to heaven. As it turns out, while my abbreviated gig over the past four years certainly had its own set of challenges, I don’t think it really moved the needle that much on my life scorecard. That says more about the kids I was lucky enough to teach than the difficulty of the job itself.
On the other hand, the day I just spent subbing in kindergarten has moved those (teacher) souls right up my list of “Most Admired People.” I don’t even want to think how tough it must be to do that job day after day. You can probably throw pre-school teachers into that mix, as well. After a nice dinner at Hacienda (supplemented with the requisite therapy) and a soak in the hot tub, I should be ready for what tomorrow brings. Unless it’s more 5 & 6 year olds….

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