Monday, January 19, 2015

The Legacy of Dr. King

When did conservatives start falling in love with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? I used to joke that I was so old that I could teach history from memory, but this I truly do remember. When Dr. King was alive, he certainly was never recognized as a courageous hero by the right. Instead, conservatives vilified him regularly. To mention just a few, they labeled Dr. King a radical, a communist, a subversive, a criminal, a trouble-maker, etc., etc.
Today conservative memes are showing up all over the place jumping on the Hero Bandwagon. Their real purpose, however, is to not to praise King but to denigrate and label as dangerous radicals President Obama, AG Holder, the reverends Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, and others. I’m not nominating any of these men for sainthood (history will judge them as it has Dr. King); the leadership of the latter two, especially, frequently strikes me as more self-serving and reactive than productive, but my guess is these converts wouldn’t like what the “radical” Dr. King would be saying today, were we blessed to still have him with us.
At some point, in order to make skeptics listen more closely, conservatives are going to have to recognize that their track record on civil rights for ALL groups (minorities, women, gays, etc.) has always been oppositional, and trying to bring their stale chips and dip to the party 35 years later is less than impressive.

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