Wednesday, August 17, 2016


It’s that time of year, proud parents posting their annual pix of their kids getting ready to start a new school year, some even a new school or stage of life. Schools publicize themselves with pep rallies, back to school videos and pictures, kick-off events, etc.
So it’s only natural that I nostalgically look back on a long and fulfilling career and start to think, “God, I’m glad I got out when I did.”
Didn’t see that coming, did you? The first year away from my profession was hard because I left behind a group of kids and teaching team of whom I was genuinely fond, even loved, but during the opening weeks of that first year or retirement, I recognized that, for once in my life, my timing was right on target. I could have kept going, of course, relying on experience and a lifetime of accumulated skills to compensate for diminished energy and enthusiasm, but it wouldn’t have been fair to anyone, not my kids, not my colleagues, not my family, not me.
So keep those pictures and posts coming, stay proud of your kids (whether your own or those you have the privilege to teach or work with), keep supporting your schools and teachers (you do make a difference and you do make your school better by being a part of the solution). I’ll be sitting at home, rooting you on and every once in a while summon the strength to stand up and cheer!

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