Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Delayed Cruise Diary, 11/16/13, Cozumel

Our goal on this cruise was simply to relax and unwind after a busy year (end of my teaching career, lots of softball, personal matters, etc.), so we passed on the Cozumel excursions (many of which are “no charge” when you sail Regent; we don’t snorkel or scuba, which are the primary attractions) and stayed on board, save for a fast dash through the tourist shops gauntlet after you leave the pier. One of the vendors even noted, “Small ship, small dollars.” Apparently these places make their living off the mega ships with thousands of people streaming by.
It would be an understatement to say that I don’t enjoy bartering and if that expectation is the basis of their pricing then I’d just as soon leave empty handed, and I did. I don’t want to be a sucker, nor do I want to just throw dollars around buying things I neither need nor want. Being verbally accosted by shop-keepers selling essentially the same, uh, stuff, does not make for a pleasant experience. One jewelry store owner used a low-key approach that at least got us in his doors and looking at merchandise, but the proffered 50% discount for cash – which we didn’t bring enough of – gave us sufficient pause that we walked away to discuss a possible purchase but didn’t return.

The weather was finally nice, though, and the sun shone brightly on the pool deck and our cabin’s balcony. That is our “yacht to the right.” We are looking forward to our first visit to Key West tomorrow and will try to be more touristy.

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