Friday, March 14, 2014

Random Questions — Mostly Rhetorical

• Spring Formal and Prom season is around the corner. I recently ate a restaurant where a large high school aged group was partaking of their pre-dance repast, so I have to ask: Do all stores carry the Julia Roberts Pretty Woman line of dresses or just selected boutiques? Did the girls really need those dresses to impress the dorky boys who were with them? Don’t those girls have mothers and/or fathers who saw them out the door and perhaps even took pictures? Just wow.
• How often do school administrators need to be reminded that they were appointed, not anointed?
• I think there are gold medals available if the Olympics adds “Racing to Stop Signs” as an event.... Is it only in St. Louis that people are practicing already? Is it a sign that I am finally becoming less competitive when this more amuses than annoys me?
• Would you rather eat at Bates City BBQ (real place) or the Sweeney Todd Diner (fictional)?
• Am I the only one for whom just the thought of the softball/baseball season makes me warmer?
• Is it because it’s just too hard to bend over that I see so many senior men wearing shoes without socks?
• So if the young who think they don’t need health insurance because they’re, well, mostly healthy, really DO get sick or injured, who pays the bill if they aren’t covered?
• Am I alone in not liking to follow Prius drivers? (This question is unrelated to the one on Stop Signs.)

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