Sunday, November 27, 2016

IFOL (Ironic Fact of Life) -- Quick Take

The industries and companies that take shortcuts, play the system, shortchange their customers, disregard environmental impact, etc., all in the name of profits above all else, are frequently the loudest complainants about the regulations that their actions provoke in response, trying to generate sympathy for both the long-term and short-term consequences of their own unethical actions.
If we all just played fair and did the right thing, we wouldn’t need the admittedly often over-regulated society we have. But regulations have never arisen out of a vacuum; rather, they result from some (and usually more than some) industries, businesses or people feeling entitled to put their own welfare (read, wealth) ahead of ethical behavior, failing to realize, or just not caring, that their selfishness has a long-term cost to them, their business or industry, and us, their clients or customers.

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