Full disclosure: I never was friends
with Donald Trump. Shocking, I know.
Not long ago I wrote about how I was going to start deleting Facebook friends if they showed disrespect by saying or implying I was stupid,or disloyal, or immoral, or whatever because I did not share their POV on aparticular candidate or cause. Because I’m not as quick as I used to be*, it
took a while before I realized that is EXACTLY the MO of Mr. Trump. If you
disagree with him you’re a loser, disloyal, stupid, or whatever insult pops
into that incredibly coiffed head. If you run a privately held company I guess
you can get away with that. But I don’t see that playing well with other
countries or leaders both within and outside of our country.
And while I have a multitude of objections to Mr. Trump and
his vision of what the USA is supposed to look like, it is what I see as the
potential disaster to American relations with other countries that frightens me
the most. I understand that because he appears to be strong he has a certain
appeal, especially among those who feel like we get played by the rest of the
world or feel like they’re losing ground. It is frustrating to feel like you
don’t have the control you once had.
But like the parent of an adolescent, that control was an
illusion anyway. We may be the biggest, toughest kid on the block, but there
are lots of kids and they’re all saying, “You’re not the boss of me!” Trying to
bully them into doing what we want, when we want, ignores that we are not, have
not been for some time, self-sufficient. It also manifests an attitude of
superiority that fosters resentment instead of respect and makes cooperation in
solving shared problems even more difficult. Other countries have their own
agendas and self-interest; those won’t change just because we want them to.
We can rail against globalism, international trade agreements,
a shrinking world, but, the fact of the matter is, all of those are the new
reality. Actually, they’ve been the reality for a long time; this election is not a time machine and that train left the station years ago and it’s not turning around. Our economy, your portfolio and savings if you have
them, probably even your job, will suffer if we try to economically punish
either our enemies OR, heaven forbid, our friends. And exactly how many friends
will we have left shortly into a Trump presidency? As a candidate, Mr. Trump frightens even our long time allies and trading partners!
We are interdependent, and will continue to be. We cannot build walls, either physical or
metaphorical, protecting us from the world any more than Prince Prospero could
seal out the Red Death (Edgar Allan Poe reference, if you’re interested, and
an apt Donald Trump analogy, IMO). It remains to be seen if we’re alone in the
universe, but we sure are not alone in the world (see previous post about foreign reaction to Mr. Trump
that we personally experienced, even before he secured the nomination),
and no one likes a bully. We cannot, our economy cannot, afford to alienate
every country that doesn’t do what we tell them, not without hurting our own
interests at least as much as theirs. Probably more, because we have so much
more to lose.
Poor countries that lose 10% of their economy will remain,
well, poor. But what happens if we our economy takes even a 5% hit? Think that
won’t affect you? Think again, bucko. That number, to put it in Trumpeter
terms? HUGE! Be careful what you wish for. I’d suggest you better make sure you
have another cup from which you can drink before you throw the one you think is ugly against the wall. I
just know that you
and I have a much better chance of being collateral damage in an
international economic collapse than Mr. Trump, because, for him personally,
losing 10-20% of his wealth just makes him, well, less rich; he’ll recover if he is half the businessman he claims to be. You know
who else will be okay? The other rich people. They have the resources to ride
out the storm, but unless you’re among ‘em, your odds are not good, because we
regular folks are the 9th Ward in Hurricane Donald.
*Second disclosure: I’m not really THAT slow. I have been sitting on this for a while now.
*Second disclosure: I’m not really THAT slow. I have been sitting on this for a while now.
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