Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Week

I don’t get a kickback and I have no vested interest, but for those of you who would like a news source that doesn’t confirm your own biases, might I suggest The Week. In a world of opinion masquerading as news, this magazine does an excellent job of providing reaction to events from both the left and right. You’ll see opinions from the (for example) Wall Street Journal and Weekly Standard as well as Mother Jones or Salon. 
Is it completely objective? Well, I like to think so, but I also admit to drifting left of center. If you believe everything emanating from the talking heads from the right or left, perhaps you’ll detect a bias. I don’t know how you could, but if you’ve perjoratively used the phrases like “liberal media,” “mainstream media,” “lame stream media,” “right wing talk machine,” “Faux News,” etc., then perhaps you’re not a candidate to make a judgment about objectivity. The same is true if you think only MSNBC/Fox (pick one, if you feel you must) can report news.
If you’re interested in trying it out (remember, I get no commission, I’m just trying to offer an option, as well as do my bit to preserve print media), I get inserts and other offers to give 4-issue trial subscriptions (or you can just go to their website, where there’s a standard banner or sidebar ad). Just let me know and I’ll make it happen.
Oh, and may I also suggest and to follow or consult on the issues of the day. Again, I find both these sites useful sources in weeding out the partisan hyperbole from reality. 
On the other hand, if you’re constantly repeating and reposting partisan shots, whatever the agenda, well, “Move along, nothing to see here.”

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