Sunday, February 26, 2017

Books That Changed Me

In the most recent issue of the Webster-Kirkwood Times, the publisher ran a column about the influential books of his youth. Along with the surge of interest in George Orwell’s 1984, it got me thinking. So I am going to list my Top 20 (in alpha order; my youth lasted a little longer than normal, so this list goes into my first few years of teaching) and challenge you to list yours, as well, either annotated or not, as you choose. Just the list is on Facebook (and the chart above), but if you’re interested in why (I think) I made these choices, the reasons are annotated below.

1984............................................................... Geroge Orwell
This dystopian fiction seemed like Sci-Fi when I first read it in the ‘60s. It was my first real introduction to the importance of language and history.
A Doll’s House.............................................. Henrik Ibsen
Other Ibsen plays also resonated, but this one about breaking the (in this case) female stereotype grabbed me.
All Quiet on the Western Front............ Erich Maria Remarque
Oh, the irony and horrors of war.
Candide......................................................... Voltaire
“All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.” Not so much.
Crime and Punishment............................. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
We all want to think we’re exceptional. An existential classic.
Hitler: A Study in Tyranny........................... Alan Bullock
I thought it was great history, a brilliant psychological profile of an evil mind.
I’m Okay, You’re Okay................................. Thomas Harris
Pop psychology (a cognitive therapy). Less important in and of itself, but for where the books we read afterwards on transactional analysis (Games People Play, Eric Berne; Born to Win, James and Jongeward) that changed the way we reacted to each other and our daughter. TA has fallen out of favor, and cognitive therapies don’t work for everyone, but they sure helped us navigate some tough years. Still works, IMO.
Invisible Man................................................. Ralph Ellison
Brilliant tale on what it’s like to live outside the norms. Dramatically altered my views on life and race. Life changing.
J.B............................................................. Archibald Macleish
A play, the story of Job, told in verse. Although probably not many churches would approve. “If God is God, he is not good; if God is good, he is not God....” Made me think. A lot. Still.
Les Misérables................................................ Victor Hugo
Yes, we also love the musical, but read the book for its take on social injustice.
Man and Superman........................................ George Bernard Shaw
And many, many other plays by Shaw. Don’t skip the stage directions. The “Don Juan in Hell” scene is worth a read all by itself. If there is a heaven and/or hell, I like Shaw’s take.
Manchild in the Promised Land.................... Claude Brown
Harlem and heroin (Brown described its power that we’re witnessing today) 50 years ago. More insight on race.
Red Badge of Courage.................................... Stephen Crane
The horrors of war and combat. What we think we will do and what we do seldom jibe.
Skin of Our Teeth.......................................... Thorton Wilder
I like all of Wilder’s plays, but this is my favorite. History and future of human-kind. Still works.
Stranger in a Strange Land............................ Robert Heinlein
The sci-fi classic is more about society than science. This is one I want to revisit.
Sybil............................................................... Flora Schreiber
Although an extreme case, taught me that not all mothers are deserving of love and honor. We must recognize them as the flawed beings they sometimes are.
The Crucible.................................................. Arthur Miller
This allegory of the McCarthy Communist Witchhunt still gives pause. Could it happen again? You betcha!
The Martian Chronicles................................. Ray Bradbury
Especially “The Martian.” Find this if nothing else. What happens when you try to please everyone.
The Ugly American................................. Burdick and Lederer
As a teen-aged expat, this book about our diplomatic failures in Vietnam offered lessons on how we were being perceived by others. Given credit for being an impetus to the founding of the Peace Corps. First introduction to the Law of Unintended Consequences.
The Way It Spozed To Be............................. James Herndon
Should still be required reading for every young teacher and teacher to be. You have to teach who you are, not who you’re “spozed to be.” Also hilarious.
To Kill a Mockingbird................................... Harper Lee
Because it was the first “real” piece of literature that I read on my own (chalk this one up as an example of positive peer pressure). Fortunately, I liked it.
Yes, I know there are 21 here. I had to add one as I wrote this and didn’t want to take any out. Bonus points if you can figure out which one is the interloper.

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, I no longer remember which one was the add-on!
