Thursday, November 29, 2012

Berndt's Rules o' Life, 1.0

May 27, '11 11:11 AM
for everyone
It's graduation season, time to share advice to graduates, current and former. Not that anyone asked me! All "rules" subject to change and editorial review. Not all concepts are original, but most of the phrasing is.

1. You don't get a discount on the Happy Meal just because you're not....
2. Try to go where you're invited, stay away from where you're not.
3. It's better to ask forgiveness than permission.
4. Being "right" is over-rated.
5. Admitting that you were/are wrong is both cathartic and liberating.
6. Don't worry about what other people are thinking of you, because, in fact, they're not.
7. If one sincere apology (okay, maybe two) isn't enough, then forgiveness isn't really on the agenda.
8. Be a good audience.
9. You never know the limits of your reach until you fall on your face.
10. If you don't like yourself, really, what's the point for anyone else?
11. Your ability to love increases in direct proportion to usage.
12. Find satisfaction in achieving the best result possible instead of frustration over failing to achieve the best possible result.
13. Most people are capable of redemption, but only if you allow it.
14. There is no "undo-key" for life, but there are a multitude of examples of people who have overcome more obstacles than you.
15. If you can never be satisfied, don't be surprised when people stop trying.
16. It's easier to fix the flaws of others than to recognize, much less deal with, your own.
17. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.
18. Wherever you go, there you are.*

19. If you want to make a fresh start, it will require more than a change in location.
20. If you're both the host and guest of honor at a Pity Party, don't expect a large turnout.
21. The loudest voice has no greater claim to the truth than the softest.
22. Although your body will offer numerous hints, it's when your mind stops growing that marks the beginning of the end.
23. We ALL have baggage, but you don't have to carry it around with you 24/7. (Suggestion, put yours in a storage locker and just bring it out for holidays and special occasions.)
24. Pay yourself first.
25. Always leave room for one more....

Thus, feel free to add on.

*Apparently courtesy of Confucius. Who knew? I thought I was stealing it from "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension"!

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