Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Missouri Legislature.....

Full disclosure: I belong to a minority group so small it doesn't even have a support group: adult males in the U.S. who have never shot a gun (no, not even a BB-gun). I certainly don't get solicited by the NRA. Expounding on my distaste for weaponry, I once had a student ask me, "Mr. Berndt, does your wife feel safe with you?" I voted against conceal and carry.

Okay, the Missouri Legislature (and specifically our former state senator) ignored the majority vote (because it came mostly from urban/suburban areas, which means we're discounted by the rural power brokers in the legislature) and put in a conceal/carry law. While it didn't make me feel any safer, neither does it cause me to spend time wondering which random people I see are carrying a weapon. (I must confess that my bird finger does stay in much closer proximity to the steering wheel while driving, but I don't know if that's directly attributable to the law; more likely one of the benefits of age, or maybe Carolyn's clearly voiced displeasure.)

Now, however, our representatives in Jefferson City want to exempt colleges and allow students to carry concealed weapons on campus. The brainchild of a Young Republican in Columbia, the thought (and I use the word with a full sense of irony) is that some college hotshot-hero will save students from the next campus massacre. "If only those poor kids at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois had been armed, those crazed shooters would have thought twice." Another case of "Save me from those who wish to save me!"

What part of the shooters being crazy and wanting to die themselves do these morons not get? What part of young men (primarily), alcohol and guns in one package do people find comforting? Do these people really think that attaining the age of 21 brings an automatic gift of maturity? There's a reason bars have signs prohibiting guns! 

Certainly I want my granddaughter to be safe when she goes off to college. Or my daughter if she goes back to grad school, or my former students, or my niece, or anyone. But if this law is still in place when she's ready, I'll be lobbying like crazy to have her go out of state where at least the government isn't nuts (because crazy, evil people are everywhere, although I don't believe in such numbers as to warrant actions like this which will put more, not fewer, people at risk).

So far it's only the House that has passed the bill, but by more than a 2:1 ratio. Perhaps the Senate won't pass it with such veto-proof numbers. I have no knowledge whether the governor will veto it or not, just the hope that he would; I also have no hope that the Senate will show any more wisdom than the House, but I am somewhat hopeful that they might deal with real issues in their remaining few weeks and let this thing die.


  1. T Douglas wrote on Apr 19, '09

    Wow, I had no clue this was happening. I will be on a college campus next year, and I must admit that it would be unnerving to know that any random student could be carrying a firearm. I agree that this would in no way, shape, or form fix anything, only make it easier for a tragedy to occur. It's sort of sad - no, really sad - that this would pass at any part of the legislative process.

    1. Bob Berndt wrote on Apr 19, '09

      I can't imagine it will do you the slightest bit of good, but your state senator is Jim Lembke. Since he's to the right of Attila the Hun on almost everything writing him is probably a waste of time, but he ought to know how you feel.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. K Trammel wrote on Apr 20, '09

    How ironic and scary that the Google Ad served up for your page is for
