Thursday, November 29, 2012

Election Update 9/26/08

Hours before the first debate (which I have no intention of watching -- Friday night? As if I didn't already need therapeutic beverages...), here's my update.

John McCain neither inspires nor frightens me; he's a pragmatic politician and if I have to have someone in office with whom I don't (much) agree, that's the kind I want. I do now question his judgment in his choice of

Sarah Palin who frightens me for more reasons than anyone probably cares to read (see previous post on evangelical fundamentalists for starters). If I had more money than I knew what to do with, I'd be tempted to buy a billboard stating simply: "Palin for President." Really, is this all we want, a hoosier (Indianans, note the lack of capitalization) broad? In my career I met lots of hoosier broads, knew any number that were smart, respected quite a few, liked even more. But for president? Yikes! Of course, W's mediocrity was probably part of his appeal, so maybe that IS all we want.

Joe Biden who is at least smart and accomplished, if not particularly inspiring, either. Has been around long enough to also be a pragmatist. My main worry about him is that he was the choice of

Barak Obama, who I fear has lost sight of what made him attractive to many of us, a willingness to be different. That Biden is his choice seems to indicate to me that he's now decided that it's more important to (listen to hack political advisers) win than anything else. Nevertheless, he still inspires more hope in me than any candidate for a long time and I'm sticking with my original assessment, but with less confidence.

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