Thursday, November 29, 2012

Seasons Greetings (Annual Holiday Newsletter)

Dec 12, '10 8:43 AM
for everyone
Holiday Newsletter, Volume XII         December, 2010
At the risk of copyright infringement, “Here we go!”
Life continues apace, with blessings that astound us but which we truly appreciate and try to never take for granted. 
I’m still teaching at Solomon Schechter Day School, working almost full-time this year. They took my counselor beanie (it was never a hat) but asked me to add the 6thgrade to my 8th graders. I feel like I’m still getting my middle school legs, but so far parents and administration seem reasonably pleased, I’m feeling part of the school team and I’ve already committed to continue next year, as well. I’m enjoying expanding both my educational and cultural knowledge base.
I’m still coaching softball in the Fall at Webster Groves H.S. (and will be inducted this Spring into Hancock’s Athletic Hall of Fame as a softball coach. Apologies if this seems to have devolved into the stereotypical brag-sheet, but I am proud of that honor.)
Carolyn continues to treasure her time with Becca. We are so lucky to have her be such a huge part of our lives. Carolyn has, if not exactly embraced technology, at least accepted it into her life, thanks be to Apple® Computer’s latest toy. You can find her on Facebook or e-mail her I’m so proud of her! I continue to blog and post sporadically at; peruse at your peril.
While Ben continues to work in computer security, Nicci returned to work in January, part-time. This plays out well for her, Ben and Becca (and for us because we see our little force of nature regularly). She attends The College School three mornings a week and is growing up quickly. Apparently pre-school is a lot like Vegas. “Becca, what happened at pre-school today?” “Grandpa, I don’t want to talk to you about pre-school.” I waited patiently and later rephrased (learned that at counselor school): “So, did you have fun at pre-school?” “I told you once, I don’t want to talk to you about pre-school.” Must be fun!
We couldn’t work out the logistics for celebrating our 40th anniversary last summer, so Carolyn and I are taking a cruise over Spring Break that we are very much looking forward to, as well as our annual summer visit to the Gulf Beaches.
My dad & Carolyn’s mom continue in reasonably good health, if not always in good moods.
We continue to enjoy the theater, both together and with friends, and were especially thankful for our DVR and iPod car-transmitters which allowed us to avoid virtually all the mudslinging of the campaigns, if not the election results themselves.
We can’t imagine life being any better than it is for us. Please accept our best wishes for healthy and happy 2011. Peace, Shalom, Salaam.
To be continued, apparently....


  1. Bliss Bev wrote on Dec 15, '10

    Happy Holiday wishes expressed in whatever faith you intend to follow during it. Life sounds wonderfully normal and peaceful for your entire family. And that makes your letter a worthy read for me. Best wishes for the next 40 years for you and Carolyn and to all the wonderful years ahead for you and the family.

  2. Terri Kung wrote on Dec 16, '10

    Wonderful brag sheet! :-) Isn't it great that you have some many people and accomplishments to be proud of? Becca is quite beautiful (and has grown a lot since the last photo I saw) and you all look happy. Best holiday wishes to you and yours. Terri
