Thursday, November 29, 2012

Strength 5/3/08

Want to increase your strength (morally, intellectually)? Stand up for someone else. Standing up for others who, for whatever the reason, can't stand up for themselves, makes you stronger. Down the road, you'll find you can also stand up for yourself, when the time comes. I've been disappointed, lately, that there was no one to stand up for me when I could have really used, and would have appreciated, that help. But I have realized that the people I (at least) hoped might stand up for me had never stood up for anyone else, and couldn't even stand up for themselves or their own self-interest. Maybe I spent too much time worshiping at Our Lady of Righteous Indignation, but I was always able to work up a passionate defense of those whom I felt were being wronged, so that when the time came, I was able to stand up for myself. My wife and daughter also traveled that road. I don't think any of us would have it any other way.

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