Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holiday Newsletter, Volume XI, Director's Cut

Dec 18, '09 6:42 PM
for everyone
Includes deleted and edited sections and never before read insertions!
Holiday Newsletter, Volume XI                          December, 2009

So we start our second decade of holiday newsletters. Hmmm. Well, ready or not, here it comes. I am posting this online as a re-mix version, a “director’s cut” edition, so to speak.

I’m employed again. I love irony. I applied at two religious schools for a couple part-time teaching jobs last Spring, one in French at Nerinx Hall, the other for what was supposed to be 7th and 8thgrade English at Solomon Schechter Day School (K-8). My French having suffered from a combination of rust and never having been that good to begin with, it was the latter position that came to fruition (despite not knowing any Hebrew) after a more thorough background check than you need to crash a White House party.    Eventually I was hired to teach 16 raucous 8th graders English and history (I get the impression the other teacher was glad to wash her hands of them), plus serve as the school counselor. It has been a learning experience, certainly for me and I hope for them. I’ve enjoyed it, but at this point I’m like the veteran ball player, who, despite positive reviews (from parents and students) is a one-year rental, hired from year to year if a team is in need. I’m good whatever happens; I continue to enjoy coaching softball at Webster High School and plan to continue as long as my body holds out.

Nicci got hit in the economic downturn, so we lost our baby. (Well, not so much of a baby anymore.) Ben, however, continues to do well, earning regular advancement and Nic appears to have something part-time in her future with another former Newberry employee. But it certainly wasn’t all bad as Nicci and Becca have benefited from the time they spend together; I just channel Dr. Pangloss: “All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.”  (See, I did learn some French stuff!)

Becca’s cousins and playmates, Miles and Nikolas, are in preschool this year, so Carolyn is well and truly retired and more pleased than ever with her decision. We still see our darling Becca, who will turn 3 in May, at least 3-4 times a week, either for appointment sitting, sharing dinners, or just play dates with Grandma and/or Grandpa. Ben, Nicci & Becca spent time with us in Florida last summer (and we hope this one, as well) where Becca loved the water, but the sand not so much (“It’s prickly.”). 

Carolyn and I are looking forward to celebrating our 40thanniversary in August. We’ll party at Hacienda, of course, but are also trying to plan a getaway with Carolyn’s sister, Peggy, & her husband, Dave, who married six days after us and are friends as well as relatives.

My dad & Carolyn’s mom keep perking along, shaking their respective heads in (mostly negative) wonder at their longevity. We, on the other hand, are pleased to share their genes.

Technology keeps us better connected than ever. Thanks to Facebook I’m finally at least semi-popular, with over 400 “friends” (of course most of them are former students).  Still, it’s been kind of cool to connect and/or reconnect with friends, formers, and relatives. Carolyn continues to threaten to start using the computer. I’m sure she will, too, as soon as the library runs out of books.

We still enjoy the theater (Fox Broadway series, the Repertory and some small, local professional theaters), both together and with friends, as well as the St. Louis Speakers Series. We work out regularly and our health has been good, a helpful thing because that’s more than we can say for the quality of our health insurance. On the other hand, at least we have health insurance and the ability to afford good health care, which puts us ahead of so many people, so we’re only observing, not whining.

Life continues to be a series of blessings for us (Life is good and we have the t-shirts to prove it.) and we wish the same for you and yours in 2010. However you celebrate, best wishes from us to you.

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